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Fingering The Scapegoat


::: Fingering The Scapegoat :::

By ~ Rolando Rosario

The media has once again cast its dark shadow over another news story. A story repeatedly played on by every news channel and has now stepped up to get it's own special. A story that sooner or later will have protesters, politicians, and maybe even Jesus speak out against what the media promotes to be the problem. But in all truth it's not the problem, it's only the fall man.

Law enforcement has been looking into Craigslist for a while now due to their alleged posting of prostitution ads. Robberies, sex solicitation, and now murder!!. Craigslist must seem like the worst website on the planet?. You go on to a community board in search of a car, a roommate, a job or maybe even a girlfriend and you could now wind up with a axe totting medical student at your door. The media points the blame at the site, portraying it to look like the worst thing since the Holocaust. I hear these news reports and sigh, the same cycle always happens. When shit hit’s the fan someone always has to take the blame. Whether it be McDonalds for forcing people to be overweight, or Craig list, an enforcer for the obliteration of man.  Society always has to find a villain to make the accused look like a victim.

Ronald McDonald did not run into your house with a military assault rifle and force you to gobble down three big Macs, two large fries and a diet coke. So where is this law suite coming from? Why is the media reporting the highest percentage of obesity in American history and showing a picture of McDonalds? Because I make mediocre hamburgers that you decided to make your soul source of nourishment is not cause for attack.

Craigslist did not have a tab on its site for murder or mayhem. Did not have a section for robberies and sodomy. It does have a section for adult and erotic postings. But it is not the one doing the postings. It’s a board, a community board that allows anyone to go on and post or search for a desired product. So before the media begins to poke its mighty spears into another innocent. Just remember that something created for one purpose and is unconsciously used for another, is not the cause of the tool, it’s the cause of its operator.

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