Thought of the Day
The life I live is not sustainable, but I pledge allegiance to it, knowing that I’ll defy the odds!!
R.I.P Steve Jobs 1955 – 2011
Thought of the Day
It’s hard to stack paper when you rollin’ with the top down pushin’ 9inty 5ive
Random and Mr. Miranda (Mirandom) – Wednesday (Official Video)
Thought of the Day
If you are willing to take calculated risks or follow a master plan… You will be rewarded!
Graffiti or Art?
Last weekend I decided to take a little trip to Los Angeles and shoot some street photography. I was captivated by the bright colors and edgy design. Is this Graffiti or Art?
Japan Tsunamis | massive quake hits Japan
Thought of the Day
When someone sees they wrongs’ as rights’ they don’t have a conscious by default.
Thought of the Day
wOrds arE jUst wOrds Unless yoU arrangE thEm In a fashIon thAt prOmotEs a rEactIon
Thought of the Day
If you have mastered people’s perception of you… You are also a master of deception. Don’t seek love from others… Love will come ~ Stay tRuE