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Alvin James

Alvin James was born in Brooklyn NY, to West Indian parents. He would like the world to know that this poetry talent is not his. It belongs to his Lord and savior Jesus Christ.


::: Spiritual Crack AKA Sin :::

There’s that feeling again,
it’s becoming a part of me.
It wants to be the heart of me.
It’s starting to be
All I think about.
Think about it, it’s all around,
From nation to nation and town to town.
In magazines, on TV screens.
There’s like no escape it’s even in my dreams.
I try to stay away,
Take it day by day.
But everyone’s doing it, that’s what they say.
So I take a hit of sin,
and pleasure begins.
High as a kite, and then it ends,
and guilt sets in.
I promise I’ll stop, that’s what I say,
trying to take it day by day.
One day I’ll get it right, I know I could do this man.
All I need is a foolproof plan.
I’ve heard of this man, who was straight all His life.
A name comes to mind, His name is Christ.
How did he do it? That’s amazing will power!
A prayer comes to mind,
it begins with “Our Father”.
That can’t be it, there’s something more, Now I remember, Jesus said He’s the door.
He died because I will always need a hit of sin.
Some of us use it as a recreational drug.
Some of us use it, because there’s a claim to be in love.
Some of us use it, to gain an unfair advantage in this race called life.
All cases end up in the lost of our lives.
I know what I’ll do, I’ll go cold turkey.
Lord Jehovah, please give me your mercy.
I’m thirsty!
Grant me drink from your eternal fountain of life.
I want to know your son Jesus Christ.
Replace my addiction with your word of life.
Replace my sinful ways,
with sinless days,
then months, then years.
Until my only fear,
Is the fear of your wrath,
and to stay on your path.
This is all that I ask.
Your commandments the task.
Lord hold my hand,
I want to do all you command.

Written by: ~ Alvin James

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