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Christine Stoddard

Christine Stoddard is a D.I.Y. fairy-child from Bourgeoisville (better known as Arlington), Virginia who loves listening to obscure Indie music and collecting cheap Medieval trinkets, permanent markers, and gaudy clothing. Writing and drawing are her two most common activities, besides possibly breathing and giggling. Christine's favorite word is "imbue" and her least favorite food is mushroom pie and, yes, that is actually a dish. Thankfully, said dish is not available at the Grinnell College cafeteria, or else she would be forced to smell it everyday for four years until she graduates in 2011.


::: Child Soldier, Come Home :::

In a garden breathing lions, snakes, and orchids, you were a lamb
Frail as the tufts of cotton Adam donned after the fall
Your eyes reflected forbidden fruit, but you feared the word “damn”
God asked for a faithful angel and you rose to the call

In pious haste, you sewed a yellow ribbon through your flaxen wool
You gladly accepted Matthew’s sword, thinking not of blood
Only wolves are killers, you muttered, I am not Satan’s fool
The Gospel’s power shall protect me from another black flood

If Christ took the cross for me, I too shall die for him
I will follow all the other creatures into the ark of war
Yaweh, where is my shield? Mother, this is not another whim!
I am no fleeting, flittering bird. O! Wait! My wings are sore!

Courageous are the little lambs who evade the arrows
But pitiable are the dead soldiers, those fallen sparrows

Written by: ~ Christine Stoddard

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