
I just want to turn away run off to find
A new and more simple day…
Where people like me for what I say…
And maybe even give me some pay…
Now I give material goods away…
Just because they get in my way
And slow me down along my joyful stay…
People I know only say…
What will you do for Me today…
Seldom wanting to share my day,
Take off and play to enjoy the simple
Pleasures of the New Day…
My back aches and my heart breaks…
Children I know get in their own way…
Fighting each other day after day,
That’s the part that breaks this old heart…
Life is short and some mean words they say,
Missing the beauty of the New Day…
This why I fade away, home to Heaven
One Bright Warm New Day…
I hope they find Love before this Day…

Pete J Frady

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