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:: Bill White ::
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Bill White
Bill White is a Seattle native who has worked extensively in the theatre as actor, director, writer, and musician.   He wrote the songs for Alexander Chirkov's "Happy Birthday Pinnochio" and Chirkov's adaptation of Anton Chekhov's "The Wood Demon."  His own play, The Rabbit Hutch," was produced in Cambridge, MA by the Back Alley Theatre.    Under his artistic direction,  "The Pendulum Theatre enjoyed three successful seasons in Cambridge performing adaptations of literary classics such as "Wuthering Heights" and new translations of Greek and Roman plays by Richard Moore.  White currently writes film and music reviews for the Seattle PI, and contributes to various magazines, including The Seattle Sound. He is working on his second novel, "The Goners," about the losers in the music and film industries in 1978 Los Angeles.


::: With Miles Davis at the Isle of White :::

Gary Bartz
Blew some farts
Through his toy horn
He got the sh*ts
And tiny bits
Of ham and cheese and corn
Floated among
The turdy dung
Until the toilet flushed
And the rockers in the Fillmore crowd
Were rudimentally wowed
But the Downbeat critic
So Gary Bartz
Took his farts
To the Isle of tea and crumpets
Now, in jazz-jizz paralysis,
Wyntonia Marsalias
Is  taking a cloth to his trumpets..

Written by: ~ Bill White

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