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:: John Gallone ::
The Greatest Poet In The World! | Their Patient Horse
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John Gallone

John Gallone is a writer, photographer, artist, traveler and raconteur living in the Pacific Northwest. Known for his bon mots and insights on subjects ranging from Anthropology to Zoology, John has been a source of humorous observations and pithy commentary for a number of decades. Currently his work can be found in several online and print forums.

Born in Greensburg, Pennsylvania in the mid twentieth century, John migrated to Seattle, Washington in 1984. After that all bets were off. For more information on John request his most recent work; John Gallone - An American At Random. ~> Photos of John Gallone are available at any US Post Office or through Interpol<~


::: The Greatest Poet In The World! :::

My pal is the greatest poet in the world!
His place is littered with iambic pentameter
sonnets stacked beneath his trailer
couplets, quatrains hang drying on his clothesline
as he splits great loads of haiku with an ax
in the back yard.

I am the greatest poet in the world!

I'm the greatest poet in the world
but I don't write anything down
Why should I sully my work with pen and paper?
Sometimes I scratch poetry on the sand and watch as
the rising tide carries it away...
Crowds gather to read my work
Some will drown in the pounding surf.
Why should I care?
I'm the greatest poet in the world!

Obituary for the greatest poet in the world

The greatest poet in the world died today.
He fell off of a wet ladder
while attempting to etch a poem onto a cloud
he would have done it too,
but it started to rain.

Written by: ~ John Gallone

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