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:: L Amos Sanchez ::
Can't Stand a Nature Poem |Rock.Roll.Rumble | Upon arriving at the bingo hall on a Tuesday evening in Nowhere
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L Amos Sanchez

L Amos Sanchez is a 32-year-old freelance person from Nowhere, Indiana. His work has appeared Gnome: An Online Journal of Underground Writing, Paisley Parsley's Parcel Post, The Blue Jew Yorker, Sonic Slang Music and Culture, The 13th Warrior Review and in various staple-bound streetmagz you'll never look hard enough to see. He has been shanked in the kidney with a Swiss Army Knife--he is currently a manager at a bingo hall in Nowhere.


::: Can't Stand a Nature Poem... :::

...and so I conquered nature, long time ago, had to, couldn't tell the wind from the breeze and so I conquered it, left it for dead, took to the streets and traded the foliage and forestry for paved cobblestone and crime, action, all hours of the night, a woman missing one of her high heels, cigarillo hanging from her sagging bottom lip--threatening me with the jagged edge of a broken bottle of Schlitz, her man the Mexican, falling back, letting her nature there, only instinct shouting at me "run muthafu*ka" and so I run like Pistol Pete back to the forest, back to the farm, back to the trees back to the wind and the breeze and the folks obsessed with the words of it, the "morning dew" and the "honeysuckle" (what?) and the leaves changing from green to yellow to orange to dead and then falling off one by one, like days off the calendar, the sand through the hourglass the leaves are the days of our lives--the fear of losing it, the pain of having it, all drawn out and cruel, I can't stand a nature poem, can't stand having it all and having nothing under the shade of a pear tree.

Written by: ~ L Amos Sanchez

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