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:: L. Elliot Mintz ::
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::: Dancing in the Ghetto :::

JJ  a kid from the ghetto danced down the street kicking his feet to a hip-hop beat  money is sweeter than honey, dead presidents rule in the land of the free but with no opportunity you get disunity in the streets of the poor when hurricanes blow in full symphonic roar.  It was time for a change, to rearrange, so scratching and mixing words in rhyme, JJ knew this was his time. He worked hard all day so at night he could play creating words that had something to say. When the time was right he walked up to an industry fat cat, did his rap and that was that. He became all the rage a new musical sage a superstar this boy was going far even bought a million dollar car. He drove to the top of the music charts but inside he was coming apart. In no time at all he started to fall. The industry cat said JJ couldn't handle the fame, drove him insane. To ease the pain JJ smoked crack cocaine, twisted his brain, ravaged his mind made him blind, brought him to his knees, his friends gathered round rolling him up instead of down. One day JJ kneeled to pray find his connection, change the direction, become a selection for a place in heaven before some real estate guy bought that property high in the sky for a very low rate then hang a neon sign on the pearly gate saying you better not trespass or I'll burn your skinny white ass.

Written by: ~ L. Elliot Mintz

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