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:: Minister and his Bag of Garbage ::
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Minister and his Bag of Garbage
Minister, a Philadelphia native was born Joseph Xavier-Mack. He grew up in the southwest section of Philadelphia. He started writing at the age of 12 after seeing many productions from Philadelphia freedom theatre program. Too poor to afford classes , he started check out books and photo copy as many plays as he could, there he discovered, Langston Hughes and Ntozake Shange.  He begin to produce them and put them on in church basements at the age of 16years old. His first play was entitled “Are You Read?” a play themed with the name asking the world were they ready for Christ return. After many failed productions with his Gospel plays. He started to write more diverse and raunchy work, he has gone on to write three new plays that are in the works of being produced. Now at the age of 19years old, there is no stopping Minister from going all the way to the top.


::: The Original Sin :::

He had given up on the creator of the rainbow
The pretty colors and the pot full of gold
He had washed away all of his opinions of the sun
And decide to live in the shadow where the moon resided
And decided
To hide in the night
That cover up all of his flaws
And he continued to break the laws
Creating his own world and mapping out his “destiny”
He had formed into a creation no one was familiar with
He was blunt he was “honest”
He kept it real
But he still lived in the shadows
Avoiding every ray of the sun
Wearing bright colors
To trick others into believing he had it going on
Even though he had no idea
Of the party that was going on in the sun
He talked very loudly so that the moon could notice him
But the moon sat there ignoring him never answering back
Only reminding him that the sun was where the party was at
Reflecting the light from the disco ball in the core
The moon turned to the sun more.
He continued to talked to the moon even though the crescent was growing thin
He swallowed his pride and took on the chin
Accepting the mistake he made for desiring the reflection of the friend
He picked up his bag
And jumped in the ground
There he found the angel of the stars
He found his place in the lower region of the angel’s bosom
He rested
And vested
And continued his journey further in the ground
He slipped…
He grew tired and missed the pointless conversations with the moon
And climbed back out the earth
He forgot one thing
He had left his shirt at the house of the angel
He tried to go back
Hoping to return
But went to far in
Touched the core
And got burned
He screamed
Jumped up…
He landed on mars and came to the conclusion
That it’s hard to be your self when you desire an illusion
For the next three months
He spent trucking the land
Hoping to find someone who could lend him a hand
He lost his mind
Suddenly a gust of wind filled the place
Blowing pieces of illegitimate uterine parasites in his face
The red earth of the planet rose up and formed into a woman
She grab his hand and said,
“I have a plan”
He follows
He moves,
She moves
Together they walk
Through a land they never seen before
He’s confused and abandoned
She taking the world she’s been handed
And they walk through space together
The sun remembers a friend of his who had lost his way
And talking him into come by in the day
But the man
Didn’t pay attention because he had found a new muse
She was 5’5” red thighs and had nothing to loose
The sun gave up and turn his face
And the man and the woman forever wandered in space

Written by: ~ Minister and his Bag of Garbage

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