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Rachel Eagle Reiter

Rachel Eagle Reiter is a free-lance writer and designer, living in New York.

She is the authoress of an e-book: "Flower Psychiatry".


::: Kind of Sickness :::

I will tell you a story
about a couple
in the state of

It is not always so--
but in this particular
case, it was entirely
the woman’s fault:
The woman was
A Clarty-paps;
she negleted
all good wifely
and I’m sorry
to say--but--
she never read
Darla Shine.

For if she
had, then
she might
have discovered
the joy of domesticity
and she might have
lived in a way
that was a
bit more

Her hobby
was catarolysis--
even in front
of the children!

She desired to
‘wear the pants’
[so to speak] and
turn her husband
into a badling.

Instead of engaging
herself in anaphrodisiac
feminine arts: like baking,
knitting, sewing, or cleaning-
she became quite the nympho.

She even suggested that her husband
get balanoplasty: it was during the
peak of whoredom when she had
fallen into the slums of slutdom.

Her nymphomania progressed
to such a degree that she
became a clinomaniac
all she wanted to do:
was sleep in bed or
have sex in bed or
eat in bed or.....
in bed.

While healthy women
allowed their husbands
to be the natural pursuers
she developed phallic
envy and wanted
a bit of reverse
gender role

The husband
was tired of
being the
victim of
her confusion
and he
the “D” word.

After the divorce,
the poor husband
got aboard a
bunch of
and the
became a
for she
that toys
were made
large enough,
even for loose
women, like

She blamed men
for her own obsessive
compulsive sexual
tendencies and
she looked at them
in a whole new light.

They would either
learn to love a whore
or she wanted nothing
to do with them and
she would turn to
her own sex

After years at
playing the
lesbian, Nature
took over
and she longed
for her husband
once again:
she decided
she would clean
up her ways
live as a nymph
instead of a nympho
and be a good wife,
but sadly the husband
had gone over seas
he made up his mind
he would no longer
keep trying to please
whore after whore
since he had been
around enough
whores to know
that it was a
Kind of Sickness.

[This a Fictional Tale...
but it could be true...]

Written by: ~ Rachel Eagle Reiter

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