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Being Planted Inside | Painful Losses | The Sweat That Soaks Your Fear
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Russell B. Long


::: Painful Losses :::

Confusion fills the air as the dust of the rumble settles down.
Things swirled around and good times gave way to verbal crimes.
Tears fell and spit flew past the teeth that couldn’t hold their tongues beneath.
It troubles me that people so close seem to have such nasty hidden agendas.

Why would I hate someone that I have bled to protect.
I cannot for the life of me find rhyme or reason behind this venomous bite.
These people work at an emotional bottling plant and never take off the caps.
Carbonation builds up and tension bursts through injuring innocent members.

So do me a favor, let go of your ugly hatred.
You squeeze it and resent me for letting it go.
Disrespecting the jewel of my eye will only end in seeing me no more.
I will not give you the satisfaction of hating you back.

I will sting you with unrelenting love and everlasting sorrow.
That I must live on without you to share my milestones with.
You inherited more than mind and matter from your mother.
You have what has left her lonely and sick not getting better.

I want you to find happiness, somewhere, somehow, and hopefully soon.
The men you warm up to have all been snakes and bums.
You need to respect yourself before you can search for true love.
Walk next to your partners, not under their feet.

My wife loves you and battled you for your own safety.
You put yourself in that position and opened yourself up for hurt.
Your big brothers begged you not to go down that road.
But you brushed us off like we were punk ass little kids.

We only want the best for you and if you turn away from me.
You are going to be in a room in life with a lot less love.
Leave that pain and hatred behind and teach mom the right way.
To move forward and forgive any and all things people might say.

Love takes work and constant care, hatred sits in stagnant pools.
It festers with disease and little wee beasties that drip on your sleeve.
So put down those cigarettes, go outside and exercise.
Find less time for daytime TV and be the person you want to meet.

I won’t sit here and wait for you, but if you wake up please come find me.
I promise that I will be ready to welcome your love again one day.
Just remember that people don’t enjoy tasting your bitter hatred.
Spit it out, rinse your mouth and keep true to yourself.

Written by: ~ Russell B. Long

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