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The Poet Jared

I was born in Bridgeport Connecticut in 1954. I grew up in the 50s and 60s and witnessed a profound time of social upheaval and events that would shape this country for the next hundred years. I started writing poetry as a senior in high school in 1971, and was encouraged by a husband and wife who were both professional writers to develop a unique style of writing that is inspired by the likes of Bob Dylan and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Sadly much of my earlier work was lost in an abandoned storage locker in Los Angeles sometime in 1975. Many years later, I regained my voice after a traumatic personal relationship. Since then I have vowed to myself that my voice will be heard, my poems will be written and hopefully I will be known as an American poet. The inspiration for my poetry come from almost everything from the very mundane to serious introspection as I watch the world pass before my eyes like an endless parade of wonder and amusement. I now reside in Gilbert Arizona and pay my bills as a commercial electrician and live with my girlfriend, our three cats and two dogs.


::: Love and Money :::

love is a lot like money
you never know
whose hands it’s been in
before it gets to you
nor do you want to know
only that it’s yours
until a bill collector
or an ex-husband
snatches it
out of your hands

I have seen grown men
lose their minds
chasing a dollar bill
or a woman
who was spent
before they ever
saw it

you can only spend
your money and love
once in a lifetime
and once they’re gone
your left
with empty pockets
and a broken heart
standing homeless
outside the supermarket of life
with a sign in your hands

love and money
burn a hole
in your pockets
you have to spend them
as fast
as you can get them
on the latest model
with all the bells and whistles
and the newness fades
away fast
leaving you hungry
and searching for more

love like money
can be as dirty
and cheap
as a worn out dollar bill
or be new and clean
like a crisp new hundred
both with that intoxicating aroma
that takes your breath away

I have had times
of affluence
in both love and money
in my life
and have been
financially and emotionally
when I had love or money
I didn’t know how
to use it wisely
and when I was broke
I felt like
a loser in life
my advice friend
if you get a little extra love
or money
save it
for a day when you
will really need it

Written by: ~ The Poet Jared - January 2002

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