I'm from the East Coast, have lived in SoCal and now Northern California for some years. I've been writing quite awhile, published in 1992 in a literary quarterly: "Suspicious Humanist," vol. 2, #2, (20 pages.) Best job: fm on air personality on a now defunct station, "Evening Eclectic" music show, and a weekly poetry reading show. I played jazz and free/improv I enjoyed. Read Wallace Stevens, John Ashbery, Kenneth Koch, etc. and commented on the poems. I have read once at a local coffee house. Love the Bay Area, wouldn't want to be anywhere else. |
::: Belly Up :::
Porcupines do not huddle together
When it is cold. Common sense &
Rejection are symbiotic in this
Reality that sets in the later years,
And have allowed way too much
Reflection as a toxic mix trying
To resolve what costs, rewards,
Plain empty enjoyment might be
Left to endure along the way
To "Sweet Perdition," the bar on
Lower 9th that listens to our silences
And grunts a noncommital understanding
Beyond all words & absolution.
Written by: ~ Will Cole |