Tag: Marriage ends in Divorce


    That old concern as defintive verb. Hasnt lost any luster in any era by an occur. Power politics within pérsonalized compromises. An empty courage in the realistic eyes. A signalized threat as our natural sorceries Most religious are spurn for this nature’s inconvience. Yet some does realized their own vanity under this mortality’s summarized. With…

  • Untitled (so far.)

    Untitled (so far.) by Geo E. Burks Was that her I was thinking of. Why should not I think of her? She cared for that role, The one in her life I was. But she couldnt had me, And I was contented as that. Not as my pride nor my failure. I loved her as…

  • Marriage then Divorce or Highway Robbery?

    Today I found this story below while randomly foraging the internet. It’s rare to see a divorce story where the man did nothing wrong (to my knowledge) and loses both financially and emotionally. Did he neglect his wife to start a business if they both agreed it was the right move in the long run?…