I want to drown you in this blood
That spills hotly from me now;
I will baptize you in these sticky iron memories
Which have surged since my inception;
I will drown you in rich, scarlet blood
That in your lover once ran –
Dark rivers in his subterranean tunnels
Locked in fleshy circumstance,
As once he locked himself in you.
This blood that made the screaming man cry
In a room bereft of you, God well out of sight.
I recall, with the sickness I lunged
To the toilet and upward looked for him, to pray
But found only the mottled paint of a prosaic ceiling there.
Then in fits, I chortled, cringed, sang, sat and wailed,
Worshiping you who could so easily waste me, and
Leave me to the hungry zoo lions and parasites!
This blood that leaps and fountains up
And out now, out to stain the windows of love,
My love, once had, and not – no, never again.
You rivaled Delilah and Sheeba, Helen, Andromeda!
A flower every day for your finespun golden hair.
But now I leave this devil’s cesspit of a world,
Life a dead, atrophied cow, my golden world somewhere
Beyond these cares…