Category: Penman Lounge

  • Sugar Coated

    One of my gifts Is best served cold If you inhale it Your brain will freeze If you let it linger It will melt Sticking to everything It touches If you use the wooden stick Provided to you I hope you receive splinters If you use a spoon I pray your tongue freezes to it…

  • The Role Model

    I didn’t know It then But Looking Back I’ll never Forget An evening during the 90s When my younger brother and I Took our dog for a walk Passing beautiful familiar homes Of our tranquil neighborhood New Hampshire suburb Through snickers I to explained to him How gay my friends looked When they kissed their…

  • Privilege is Holding the Whole Deck

    Can I see all the poor people raise their hands! Can I see all the middle class people raise their hands! Can I see all the rich people raise their hands! Why isn’t anyone raising their hand? Why can’t we proudly own our social privileges? Why are social struggles easier to talk about? Well, it’s…

  • Reacting and Being

    Take out a pair of imaginary scissors Cut out a rectangle in front of your face No matter what happens This space is yours Before your eyes rest upon anything It must first look through this space This space provides a Natural buffer from all events This space is free from judgment This space can…

  • Philosophy 102

    I recall Therefore I regret I suppose Therefore I suffer I think Therefore I toil Release Start living Transcend

  • Conversations

    Two decades of always Waiting Waiting for my time to come Waiting for my point to be made Even when I finished talking My conversation would continue internally “What to say?” “What to say?” “What to say?” “Got IT” “Hold It” “Hold It” “My Turn!” When that didn’t work 1. I would use another example,…

  • Love in Cursive

    Two separate circles Connected Balanced Two becomes one Equal Together on a path Peak Valley Peak The circle is reformed Longing to grow

  • Dam My Thoughts

    Slow my mind… L E T I T S P I L L ! The ink from the pen as the words do fill The PAGE1 The SAGE2 Interconnection of all Classified by society (no matter how small) Words change everything from friend to lover till death due us part Napoleon said, “Just follow your…

  • No Excuses

    A ranting lunatic Lives within us Desperate for validation Of superiority Alienating others by Using logic and reason Justifying anything In an attempt to prove dominance The more you fight it The more it fights back. Its weapon (Suggestion) Hold loosely and acknowledge it Let the ideas come and go Recognize It is just a…

  • Ignorance Hurts

    My parents loved me so passionately that Words alone were never enough For them a hands on approach Was more appropriate I realized later That when I was being hit My parents were just trying to reach out But, they were doing it in an ignorant way I forgave them As children they too Were…