Thought of the day
Even if your always not a winner. Make sure that you are always a contender.
Thought of the Day
It’s hard to stack paper when you rollin’ with the top down pushin’ 9inty 5ive
Thought of the Day
If you are willing to take calculated risks or follow a master plan… You will be rewarded!
Thought Of The Day
Time is something not to be cherished, but to be spent wisely.
Thought of the Day
When someone sees they wrongs’ as rights’ they don’t have a conscious by default.
Thought of the Day
wOrds arE jUst wOrds Unless yoU arrangE thEm In a fashIon thAt prOmotEs a rEactIon
Thought of the Day
If you have mastered people’s perception of you… You are also a master of deception. Don’t seek love from others… Love will come ~ Stay tRuE
I do not want to fade away. But I am already gone. I am the wind that whispers as you slumber. I am the moment that you remember that causes you to smile. I am a moment in time that you wish you can relive but you never can. The sun will still rise tomorrow…
Thought of the Day
There a thin line between being Corny & being Creative. Don’t let fear stop the process.
Thought of the Day
I AM – I WAS – I WILL BE > Merging all to make the best ME