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July - 2008 Archive


::: The Ephebe :::

Fight of Flight? I’ll take a shot of both please.
Choosing between the two is for the functioning members of society... (See more on the Kasie Page)


::: 13 ways of looking at a cigarette :::

When the cigarette burned low,
The black came in again.
That was all... (See more on the Becca Fishow Page)


::: pornography :::

I never thought we ought to get married in the daylight,
or when swallowing your thoughts on Nietzsche
who seems like a downer and an asshole to me... (See more on the Becca Fishow Page)


::: Buzz Fly :::

A blue stick with an attached fan
is the perfect implement for the job.
Swift, silent and superlatively lethal... (See more on the Dean Walker Page)


::: Bad Love Song :::

I know nothing about you
I know nothing about you

She opened the door and I started the engine... (See more on the Rich Love Page)


::: Man as Sunrise :::

he creeps in soft whispers
the moon versus us
look through the mirror and you see clearer... (See more on the Beatnik D Page)


::: it’s goodbye then :::

I’ll sing you a sweet song to help you sleep
but angel's breath never did come easily to me
and it's easy to see... (See more on the Beatnik D Page)


::: Hospital :::

tilting forward
lurching back
this orange chair is my... (See more on the Shon Lomax Page)


::: For Jim Croce :::

Henry Hudson
Franklin D
Are passenger trains
Sliding by the black and white... (See more on the J.D. Szalla Page)


::: The Last Victrola Summer: “His Master’s Voice” :::

There is a creature here
With a crank
I think it is a woman... (See more on the J.D. Szalla Page)


::: Number 69 :::

My motorcycle boots
Are crusted with
Suburban mud and the coffee... (See more on the J.D. Szalla Page)


::: New Account :::

Caffeine Hydrochloride
Benedryl blue piss
On the platform again... (See more on the J.D. Szalla Page)


::: Pigeons on the Rooftop For Kantor :::

Oh Wyeth you portrait
Of death a ship’s captain:

A man in loose pants, loose shirt... (See more on the J.D. Szalla Page)


::: 1972 Passion Bait Barracuda :::

Scratch your head
Alice in wonderland
Magnolia want... (See more on the J.D. Szalla Page)


::: Growing Pumpkins in July :::

Does it choose you?
A new chapter
Or in life since October... (See more on the J.D. Szalla Page)


::: Drive-by Suicide :::

Though they don't know
The seeds were planted long ago
I lived another muddled soul... (See more on the Beatnik D Page)


::: One of A Kind Love :::

A love that is one of a kind
Easing my soul and my mind
You may not have what others have
But it don’t matter... (See more on the Kizmetz Love Page)


::: Where does love come from? :::

hearts follow passion... (See more on the Thomas Page)


::: 4 those who called themselves friend :::

I've seen you and see what I’ve loved
Seen what it was that I cherished
Recognized the love to be oh so futile... (See more on the Simply Complicated Page)


::: So this is loneliness :::

So this is what lonely feels like
When joy I derived from myself
When only I make me smile... (See more on the Simply Complicated Page)


::: team :::

bouncin' balls off walls
ya'll call
stand tall
i can ball... (See more on the Shon Lomax Page)


::: pane :::

i know an angel
clipped wings
no need... (See more on the Shon Lomax Page)


::: sweet arts :::

candy coated houses
there is nothing decorative
about false art... (See more on the Shon Lomax Page)


::: Mystery Bus Lady Where Art Thou? :::

What exists to write about a nasty bus journey?
Mystery lady you did, capture me to creativity
It was not scripted you sit near me just fate... (See more on the Karuga J Page)


::: Outtasight Brotha :::

My outtasíght brotha--now out of sight
It has been a delight getting to know you,
coming to feel you... (See more on the Sequoia Page)


::: Brave soul :::

Although you claimed to be crazy, you're dull
Even with all the drugs you took, you're dull
If not, how can you justify the color of your brain?... (See more on the Soonji Page)


::: dr. molare' :::

while brushing my teeth with a bowl of fruit
i noticed a cherry pit rooted in a canal
too deep for digging... (See more on the Shon Lomax Page)


::: hair twist :::

hair twists wrap spaceships
round tiny fingers too thick for
mercurial rings... (See more on the Shon Lomax Page)


::: Mockingbird has Death Wish :::

A mockingbird perches
on the highest limb of a young redwood.
Mimicking the other birds... (See more on the Dean Walker Page)


::: passion :::

dream caster by day
dishwasher by night... (See more on the Shon Lomax Page)


::: Alchemize :::

Go throw your damn hurricane tantrums.
Spit wildfires and scream earthquakes.
Let loose your emotional tornado phantoms... (See more on the Dean Walker Page)


::: Road to Completion :::

Shake me down
Rape me down
Full blown break me down... (See more on the Kevin J Page)


::: Russian Roulette :::

Red wine mixed with sly finds
Fine dimes found on high times with
Quick hits meaning bliss... (See more on the Kevin J Page)


::: prom :::

where do lovers go when there is no longer a lane
drive-thru affections
from someone only... (See more on the Shon Lomax Page)


::: homeless :::

fell from cushioned sheets
to a bed of cement
pillow too hard to fluff... (See more on the Shon Lomax Page)


::: CASUAL=CON:ceptualism!!! :::

>PLeaSE<"Any-thing"{BUT}CASUAL=CON:ceptualism!!!... (See more on the MRtoll Page)


::: chimpanzees :::

{A}horrible-Cause{&}Effect"of"^satan^+riding*the*money+markets!!!... (See more on the MRtoll Page)


::: fascism{&}socialism= :::

sound"De"same{2}me!!!... (See more on the MRtoll Page)


::: "WE"=aLL=DiE=LiKe:DOGS!!! :::

(w)-Creative/intelligent{&}BIG"life"choices!!!... (See more on the MRtoll Page)


::: {G} :::

"De"place+everyone'want"{2b}!!!... (See more on the MRtoll Page)


::: Ye sailor :::

I wish I could sail the sea
heading away form my pride... (See more on the Ravelli Page)


::: eternal love :::

be my guest
be my slave
be the guardian of my grave... (See more on the Ravelli Page)


::: How easy :::

How easy my success; bares the burden of my success.
Take it easy; lady. Breathe deep... (See more on the Nicole Page)


::: untitled :::

I no longer cling to branches
where there is no tree standing
ankles wrapped in roots... (See more on the Shon Lomax Page)


::: easter sunday :::

thorned sides
sweeping gazes
cow fields... (See more on the Shon Lomax Page)


::: morning :::

I stand naked before you
fully clothed
shivering and it's not even cold in here... (See more on the Shon Lomax Page)


::: love poem :::

Her soft flesh, like a maple leave's surface,
There I lay my hand to feel... (See more on the Poetri Page)


::: Wretch :::

She opens the box, dusty and in chains, lifted from the sacred keep, laden with her whispers of... (See more on the Jamie Black Page)


::: Pedestal :::

Like bitter gauntlets that cut so deep
A pain richly deserved
One could revel in it a lifetime... (See more on the Jamie Black Page)


::: Carousel :::

Suffice to say so much a fool to fall into your trap time and again-
When will one learn this is just a... (See more on the Jamie Black Page)


::: You :::

Lately have I told you how much I admire you
The knowledge you possess I can attest to
Being fulfilling and true... (See more on the Kizmetz Love Page)


::: Prophetic Illusions :::

Whispers and screams
and belly dancing
daddy called me in... (See more on the Jason Flatowicz Page)


::: Forever :::

You said you'd
never fall down
the stairs again,
so I tripped you... (See more on the Jason Flatowicz Page)


::: Name the Source :::

If I were to name the source
for why the winds have blown off course... (See more on the Dean Walker Page)


::: Evacuation :::

Dawn in the valley,
what appears to be coastal fog
turns out to be smoke... (See more on the Dean Walker Page)


::: The Hermit :::

By all appearance, he was an ordinary man.
On weekdays he would leave for work
by eight a.m. and be home just after seven... (See more on the Dean Walker Page)


::: Divining the After World :::

Last night I went to the water
under the glow of a full moon.
To study lines in my reflection... (See more on the Dean Walker Page)


::: Layers :::

Try to strengthen the roots of our small little tree
The branches appear weak
too fragile to be... (See more on the Tristan Alexander Page)


::: Stagnation and Charm :::

I walk
A vessel of morbid curiosities
Empty stomach and buzzing blood... (See more on the Avigail Michal Page)


::: Another, Another :::

The dark sky settles upon the city,
empty howls creep mightily into the night.
Free voice, free thought, free mind... (See more on the J.D. Fenakel Page)


::: Doubts :::

Smiling indentations critically placed in specific regions
Colored by the silliest moments and worst bits of pain
She knelt within the circle willing to embrace all sides... (See more on the nubianbeauty Page)


::: Struggle and Pain :::


The bitter-sweet entity that has beleaguered the African race for far too long
A testament to the course of... (See more on the nubianbeauty Page)


::: Dark Brown Eyes :::

Dark brown eyes reflecting the pain
The dark blood red stain
Of a million, starved, barely... (See more on the nubianbeauty Page)


::: Dregs of Society :::

Blood spilling out of his open wounds
Poison leaking from his broken mind... (See more on the nubianbeauty Page)

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