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Jesse Driscoll



::: the dark side :::

Time is a double edged sword
It certainly aids in the healing of deep wounds,
but like the unceasing flow of the colorado river
cutting shaping and hallowing its stone barrier
into the intricate labrynth of strata
we call the grand canyon,
so too with the entitiy that dwells within
the one that escapes into the foreground late at night
and revels in moments of anarchy
the one that is conjured in delirious intoxication
and delights in fear and pandemic violence
seeking certain powders as certain powers
in distortion of beauty at uncanny hours
and celebrates bruises like a garden of violets
the one we shall call the dark side has been caged
all the keys that unlock his chamber have been hidden
and time has faded the experience of transfiguration
but alas in the hour of my deepest slumber
his unceasing struggle erodes his bondage
and as time flows on like the indomitable spirit
The danger of his freedom decomposes
leaving curious symbols in my thoughts
stuck in silent moments of ambiguity
and loosely grasping the strange sensation
that somehow i'm the one shackled
in a canyon of his construct

Written by: ~ Jesse Driscoll

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