Author: catherine anne hayes

  • To Donna, Cassady, Kayla, Eve and Shea for John Thomas Kelly Jr. 3/6/2011

    I remember us as children… Dancing to merry tunes and wearing pristine white dresses like little brides on our First Communion Day… and kelly green Girl Scout uniforms…. You with bouncing brown curls and shining eyes the rosiest cheeks and the sweetest of smiles… Who grew up and a wonderful man fell in love with…

  • Hiding Amongst Words

    I am no where to be found as I disappearing in between the space of inconsequential words and thoughtless feelings Barely as a shadow I exist and only flutter to life when a true kindness is said and tentatively become content Warmth flows in and I am whole for a while till the next time…

  • Letting Go

    No more will I look to mountain tops and think of wild kisses and shivers down my spine No more will a song cause me to pause and remember for I am finally letting go after all this time I know now we were never to be we were just a brief dream a wonderful…

  • Dearest James, Jackie & Family

    Even thought She has left this life She is not gone She has not left you She glows inside you She shines so bright She is your light within Feel her warmth Take heart You Are never alone Her love is in you Around you Always Infinitely Be not sad Celebrate her Honour her by…

  • For Lil’ Buddy

    On a cold February afternoon 2 years ago our lives were forever changed when we saw your picture we fell in love a phone call made and lots of questions Then off in the car half our later you are here you are home our Lil’ Buddy scared dirty hurting hungry shaking With one tiny…

  • For Stacy

    How do I find the words… Describe what stirs inside of me as I think of you now gone suddenly… Tinkling laughter heard and sweet music remembered from years back created by you… A sweet smile… A very bright child… A protective sister… Rebellious daughter but loving yes loving… Confusion sets in Many waves of…

  • Dreamlessly

    she twirled through the mists dancing to far away music that she barely could hear the ground was uneven slippery slanted she swung out her hands to prevent her fall and she awoke in her bed in a tumble of sheets blinking panting slighting sweating another disturbed dream she stares at nothing nothing to see…

  • Learning Life ( for Dawn )

    In the duskiness of the early morning she rises no matter how little her sleep her face tight from the many tears that she cried through the night the empty space next to her a reminder he is not there why it is not fair why did he have to go why did he leave…

  • How I See You ( for Suzi )

    A fire cracker A wise cracking smarty mouth larger than life who I wouldn’t want to be any other way… A beauty A jewel Tough on the outside Scarred by life but deep inside still willing to hope full of love deserving of love… Keep your head held high sweet girl you are an original…

  • Too Familiar

    I am way to familiar with the middle of the night now. It used to be a wonderful thing. A feeling of freedom and creativity. Now I feel the darkness and the loneliness. I long for sleep but it eludes me. More and more. It teases me… Brushes my fingers Just when I think I…