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Oct - 2007 Archive


::: Hey :::

You big girl, you can't... (See more on the Archibald Swanks Page)


::: Cinnamon :::

My God, My God,
I cannot see,
Why hast thou thus blinded me?... (See more on the Archibald Swanks Page)


::: Land of Poets :::

Fire cuts like a blade draws
A dark patch of death
Across once golden fields,
Where nature was a goddess... (See more on the E-Rock Page)


::: Part of the Time :::

We are so many
different places
part of the time... (See more on the Will Cole Page)


::: Plain Surfaces :::

For Kay Ryan

The table is always empty
in their house,
where neatness is kin... (See more on the Will Cole Page)


::: My People's Hymns :::

don't you feel like...
raising hell like
children of Africa raise guns... (See more on the Asennai Mussie Page)


::: Evaporating Sky :::

The cross overhead
Constructed in vapor
Moves in two parts
Not quite connected... (See more on the E-Rock Page)


::: The Black Night Is King :::

It is a terrible thing when all familiar things around you become your enemy,
Things that basked you in comfortable... (See more on the Trailercarter Page)


::: The Cutest Kind of Cancer :::

She puffed a slow gentle hit of her cigarette when the smoke settled... (See more on the Rewind Page)


::: Splash :::

I'm floatin this ocean of hope chokin on the salty evil... (See more on the Rewind Page)


::: What There Is To Believe :::

I am not interested in how
you put together your life,
only that you were betrothed... (See more on the Will Cole Page)


::: Heart Be Still :::

Where are all the lotus farmers off to
Now the hubcap salesmen have up and left... (See more on the Will Cole Page)


::: I Feel You :::

Although you're not here with Me
I Feel You... (See more on the Mzadie Page)


::: Dying Bottle of Wine :::

Screw! Pop! AH! like a Sprite commercial.
Her eyes gleam in the fire
her toes curl barefoot in the cool night air
Do I dare to ask, or go high class... (See more on the Joe Riley Page)


::: Too Complex To Comprehend :::

What am I?
Who am I?
My race, my color?
Too Complex to Comprehend... (See more on the Ange Perdu Page)


::: In You :::

In you
Rests a city fractured in glassy timpani skies
Pulled across faces airy with time
Blurred in the petrified etch of bone
Unstretched, loose, thinly divined... (See more on the Bill White Page)


::: Easy :::

It's easy to write it; then actually shout it.
It's easier to whisper; then tell you what I'm thinking... (See more on the Nicole Page)


::: Thinking Back...Egyptian Love Story :::

Remembering the moments,
Fantasying; I lay awake at night.
You're heavily on my mind. ...(See more on the Goldie Page)


::: In The Window :::

As I glance through the window four stories high, I wonder about all there is to see in life, but can... (See more on the Goldie Page)


::: Body :::

Lying on my bed
thoughts of you...
your lips
that have tasted...(See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: You :::

Eyes locked
on eyes
then breaths
quickly drawn in...(See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: Who Is... :::

He brought me to the top of the mountain
and laid with me on a cloud...(See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: In The Dark :::

Kiss me in the dark
Your fingers your eyes
that...(See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: Unspoken :::

Desires in my mind
long to see the light of day
yet feel safest in the...(See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: The Little Girl Dances :::

In through my window the tinkling sound drifts
into the dimness of the room.
I peer out and...(See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: Pleasurable Quivers :::

Going up and down the spine
landing in
the most sensitive places
to be sensitized...(See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: The Tree - A Memory :::

I love trees...
Their calm... their strength...their stories.
I love to lie under a tree and I remember...(See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: You Ask Me :::

You ask me...who am I? I am myself...I am every woman.
I sip the waters...(See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: Give the Prophet a Tambourine :::

The Devil is in the details again. That pesky Devil, hiding like a snake.
"If I was a snake I would have bit him," says... (See more on the Ryan Nash Page)


::: Lost :::

I lost my way expressing myself; I forgot what was the right way to tell you so. You want words, that I don't have... (See more on the Nicole Page)


::: Blind :::

She made love to a man
When love wasn't involved
could call it anything
... (See more on the Rosalynn Page)


::: Requiem for a Sloth :::

Heart attacks and other tasks
Courage Colonel Custer would ask
A wounded vein, a false regret... (See more on the Roget Page)


::: Firelight :::

I would dance in the firelight for
you..........twirling around... (See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: I Await You :::

Late afternoon
a chill in the air
which shimmers with tiny moist prisms... (See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: I Watch :::

I watch you move about
I know you are aware of me
Like I am aware of you... (See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: Special Place :::

For you I would I would hold back the pressures and
uncertainties of the day
And bring you to your special place with the... (See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: You want me… Don't you :::

Even though you sit there calmly
with the tip of your pen in your mouth... (See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: Morning Bliss :::

bodies touch
our legs
tangled (See more on the Relaxwitme Page)


::: Nothing Else :::

your love whispering
in ma ear... (See more on the Relaxwitme Page)


::: Repast :::

Shades drawn....little filters of light making their
way in between the slots...dust motes dancing
in the light...the sweet,  lulling sound... (See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: To Be In Moonlight :::

Warm steamy day moves into evening.
The sun takes it's final bow as
One by one the stars comeout... (See more on the Catherine Anne Hayes Page)


::: El Mirage :::

The Indian at the bar keeps muttering about
Gold, and super conductive energy
Anti-gravity, and the speed of clarity
But I've been singing here for years... (See more on the Horus8 Page)


::: A Proposal :::

If I say yes will u wrap me in warm downy completely fuzzy love?
Will u see me as God intended? (See more on the Illadelphiajones Page)


::: Surfs :::

After being hounded, harangued and nearly harpooned by a horde of undercover agents wearing herringbone jackets and ray-ban... (See more on the L. Elliot Mintz Page)


::: Looks Like War, But Tastes Like Chicken (Villanelle):::

Looks like war, but it tastes like chicken
Do you happen to have any Grey Poupon?
Damn, that Eagle sure was finger lickin'... (See more on the Horus8 Page)


::: Nearing The Flame :::

A Year full of hell
Is now approaching,
The flames ablaze... (See more on the Ian Cazador Page)


::: Mother :::

I am weeping again.

This is my Mother,
my sweet and loving Mother... (See more on the Ian Cazador Page)


::: Change :::

Your check is days late and in your pockets you can't find a red cent. Your phone is off so you can't talk. And the landlord... (See more on the Anthony Prince Page)


::: My Beautiful Butterfly :::

My beautiful butterfly.

Up against the dark grey clouds
your bright blue eyelids bat the air... (See more on the Ron Ramos Page)


::: Hungry :::

Don't u hate to be hungry?
Starved for knowledge but to
ignorant on how to go about it.
Savior in the streets… Drugs or... (See more on the NicolePage)


::: Hand or Glove :::

My evil dick brought me to your hotel door
Passed the lobby to spill my heart on the floor
Far above the steamy flatulent streets...(See more on the Roget Page)


::: Starfx :::

Somewhere in Guatemala, Colombia, Brazil etc...
Poor uneducated indigenous people are being
under paid so that you can pretend it feels... (See more on the Horus8 Page)


::: What You Ask :::

What You Ask

You would say
Accept with
bitter patience
what I give you,
hot lusty pursuits... (See more on the Red Page)


::: Why didn't you tell me :::

Why didn't you tell me?

why didn't you tell me..?
that the sprinkler
will make a rainbow
that appears, fades, and reappears... (See more on the Red Page)


::: Indulge :::

Existence, survival then...


An average sot drifting in a pine cloud.  Repressively smug - ADD laden - twenty seven-year old - obsessive compulsive - laid quarterly - stoneaholic - urban... (See more on the Ryan O Roy Page)


::: Fx you, Morrissey :::

When the music stopped
she reached over
and grabbed my hand... (See more on the RP Page)


::: Rebos :::

lost the maze of some slimy neighborhood
reflections from the bay gleam like blood
the wind hits her face and jangles my glass... (See more on the Roget Page)


::: How Deep is Your Need :::

How deep is your need?
To raise out of the ghetto Cycle?
Your Momma told u... (See more on the NicolePage)


::: An Adventure :::

On one solemn Hollow's Eve,
We both did ride the train
All the way to Williamsburg
Sheltered from the... (See more on the Benjamin Nardolilli Page)


::: Some Partner In Crime :::

Some partner in Crime ... ...
The lovers were stuck in a time zone of the unknown and one of its kind
he couldn't run away
Life... (See more on the Violet Monday Page)


::: Baby Wax :::

The sun is boiling my blood underneath my skin
Please give me water or the valley of my veins will dry
Where is the... (See more on the Violet Monday Page)


::: Alone :::

The shallowness seeps into the newfound friends
They return to the bedroom to form a group
A clique
Only to form a clique within the clique... (See more on the Violet Monday Page)


::: A Fragile Heart :::

Tipping her with silent goodbyes
Mild grin and yellow eyes
That is his disguise... (See more on the Violet Monday Page)


::: 8th Week :::

In the 8th week, he fished in his pant pocket for a pack of cigs
He then whispers the truth with his deep baritone trumpet sound... (See more on the Violet Monday Page)


::: Bitches :::

Did you know
Are not selective,
They are just
...(See more on the Violet Monday Page)


::: The Street Lamp :::

He stumbles
out of the lost weekend
freefalling on storm dampened sidewalks
covered with life's misery.
He knows the path home... (See more on the Jodapoet Page)


::: A Love Story :::

By day she cements herself into the fast lane.
The rhythmic tapping of her heels on the floor feels more like her pulse than the faint flicker in her... (See more on the Zoelle Page


::: Once :::

He takes his medicine, and calls it his disease;
scratches his head so his face will feel at ease;... (See more on the Daniel Moore Page)


:: A Father ::

Drowns himself in liquor -
numbs the pain quicker
(makes his skin thicker,
the soul sicker, bitter).
Eyes glazed by a foggy haze of... (See more on the Chris Page)


::: Dancing in the Ghetto :::

JJ  a kid from the ghetto danced down the street kicking his feet to a hip-hop beat  money is sweeter than honey, dead presidents rule in the land of the free...(See more on the L. Elliot Mintz Page)


::: Edie and Andy :::

Andy was so dark and evil he reminded me of an albino weasel
Edie shot toward her doom in plain sight a needle in her ass every night. ...(See more on the L. Elliot Mintz Page)


::: Stale News :::

Scraps from long ago buried dreams
Flush through the washroom
With gentle ease... (See more on the Ian Cazador Page)


::: Wary :::

Wary, the clouds bend low to caress the marshlands near the harbor,
I'm on the reef, 20-feet deep,
Sunken treasure chest I'm finding,
Holding my breath I'm unwinding... (See more on the Robert Carbajal Page)


::: Here Comes the Night :::

Here comes the night
In its opaque wonder
Staring down at me
From omnipotence
The night is wet paint concealing its stars... (See more on the Robert Carbajal Page)


::: 30 th and 14 th :::

I live on the S/W corner of my block
Where the wailing sirens never stop
Nearby hospital ushers in broken souls
As the hours of the day take their toll... (See more on the J.B. Rush Page)


::: Sitting :::

So there I am, sitting in the room all alone - pondering - pondering- wondering what the hell I'm pondering about. I've seen it all before because it's happened all before - sitting - anticipating - anticipating - sitting - and suddenly... (See more on the David Silon Page)


::: Blue Green and Gray :::

The windows are floor to ceiling
Pane, little panes, square they are I suppose
Some could be curvy
On The top probably... (See more on the Ian Cazador Page)


::: Architects of Destruction :::

You don't need a weather vane to feel the hard rain and you don't need a weatherman to keep you out of Iraq or Iran...(See more on the L. Elliot Mintz Page)


::: Leonardo :::

Leonardo Da Vinci an artist of might painted by numbers not by night. He spoke of infinity with such serenity as he carved a statue of the mother Mary in the perfect image of a naked canary... (See more on the L. Elliot Mintz Page)


::: Open :::

Born into a dream, an infant feels the chill of open air. 
Sounds... (See more on the Lake Page)


::: Carny Debauche :::

Deny the reality of your mind until suppression of tension creates static oblivion (See more on the Autumn Page)


::: Homeless Camp Near the Lamborghini Dealership :::

A man is sleeping on the street
Cocooned in a gray bag
Surrounded by a fortres (See more on the Michael Shorb Page)


::: Nine Millimeter :::

Lost a friend today. She was blown away by a nine millimeter that I wish I did not... (See more on the Denise Kindred Page)


::: My Vice :::

I indulge my vices more often... (See more on the No Exit Page)

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