And this is only the Bathroom
By doing small things That might safe time later I realize how much I sacrifice the present to Reward the possibility of the future I unwrap a single toilet paper roll and Put it under the other Unfinished one Knowing that if I put two Toilet paper rolls under the first Unfinished toilet paper roll…
I know I need a bandaid
After running up a down a mountain Come back to the house feeling accomplished Take off my sweaty clothes And put the wet clothes in the drier I try very hard to be perfect No one can complain if you don’t do anything wrong Right? These difficult words seem to always escape me when I…
I’d like to see your credentials
Why did Jesus and Buddha have to teach others? It sounds to me like being enlightened was not enough So they had to share it with others We will never know their internal dialog or reasoning to lend a helping hand If the major role models of a religion were teachers Is it enough to…
Internal Fight Club
I feel the best way to get over my thoughts is to accept them. If I don’t accept my thoughts they fester in my head I don’t accept the thoughts as truth, just their existence Once they are acknowledged I cannot deny their existence. I try to hold them loosely and Not let them direct…
Let me say that again
You are enslaved by your own thoughts assumptions predicted norms You just need to be you You care too much about what people think about you You think you know what the other person expects of you You have no idea what others think Let me say that again You have no idea what others…
Modest Mouse has the right Idea
It is almost Shabbot. I am watching dragonflies seamlessly float over the lily pads which seamlessly float over the pond as I seamlessly float in a boat over it all. My relaxation is effortless. My ripples are contagious.
My Civic Duty
Why do only the privileged reap the benefits of psychiatric counseling, executive coaching, process consulting, private schools, and teacher’s aides? The cycle continues Those with more money get greater attention and resources. To charge money for help is to perpetuate our capitalistic monetary culture. Knowledge and help should be free and used to help us…
Society’s Manifesto
Most of our suffering happens in our minds It comes from assumptions, expectations, and miscommunications I am sorry to say we are not going to reach collective enlightenment in our lifetime Some major external catastrophes could help shake up our stupid priorities I have my fingers crossed for 2012 We could really use a global…
The Pursuit of Happyness (Putting the I back in Happiness)
If the most satisfaction you get from your day is crossing something off your to do list Then something is wrong. It may keep you busy. But you are really not fully present when you are doing the things on your list You are doing them to complete them and move onto the next item…
What do I live for?
Personally a lot of my thought has gone into this question. So instead of thinking about an answer to this question, I decided to go for a run instead. After my run, I established that living is a privilege and should be treated as such. I live for the present moment. I allow myself for…